Getting Started

The Nationstates package includes a simple interface for developers.

For example, for the following code:

>>> import nationstates
>>> api = nationstates.Nationstates(UniqueAndDescriptiveUserAgent)
>>> nation = api.nation("testlandia")

The .Nationstates object centralizes API use. The .nation method creates a Nation object for the ‘testlandia’.

Interacting with the API

There are multiple ways to interact with the api

Examples: Using the flag and happenings shard

This module supports direct attribute access for most of the shards. (For this example, you can check your shard by viewing nation.auto_shards), along side other methods.

>>> nation.flag #Returns Flag directly
>>> nation.get_flag() # see happenings for better usage
>>> nation.get_shards("flag")


>>> world =
>>> world.happenings # You are unable to pass any additional arguments with attribute request
>>> world.get_happenings(filter=["law", "change", "rmb"], limit=100)

Interacting with the response

Outside of shard requests with .get_shards, all methods/attributes that referance a shard will only return that shard.

>>> resp = world.numnations
>>> resp = world.get_numnations()
>>> resp = world.get_shards('numnations')

get_shards returns a specialized dict, so code like this can be used

>>> resp.numnations

This package includes multiple options for how to request/interact with the data, the default is through a specialize dictionary

>>> import nationstates
>>> api = nationstates.Nationstates(UniqueAndDescriptiveUserAgent)
>>> nation = api.nation("testlandia")
>>> result = nation.get_shards("region", "fullname") #supports multiple shards
{"region":"Example", fullname:"Example"}

You can interact with it in a multiple ways

>>> result.fullname
>>> result["fullname"]

Additionally, all api’s have support for Auto Shards, and get_shardname() methods (which returns slightly more data)

>>> nation.fullname
"The Hive Mind of Testlandia"
>>> nation.get_fullname()
{'id': 'testlandia', 'fullname': 'The Hive Mind of Testlandia'}

You can view what each endpoint currently supports in it’s magic methods by viewing

>>> nation.auto_shards
('admirable', 'animal', 'animaltrait', 'banner', 'banners', 'capital', 'category', 'census', 'crime', 'currency', 'customleader', 'customcapital', 'customreligion', 'dbid', 'deaths', 'demonym', 'demonym2', 'demonym2plural', 'dispatches', 'dispatchlist', 'endorsements', 'factbooks', 'factbooklist', 'firstlogin', 'flag', 'founded', 'foundedtime', 'freedom', 'fullname', 'gavote', 'gdp', 'govt', 'govtdesc', 'govtpriority', 'happenings', 'income', 'industrydesc', 'influence', 'lastactivity', 'lastlogin', 'leader', 'legislation', 'majorindustry', 'motto', 'name', 'notable', 'policies', 'poorest', 'population', 'publicsector', 'rcensus', 'region', 'religion', 'richest', 'scvote', 'sectors', 'sensibilities', 'tax', 'tgcanrecruit', 'tgcancampaign', 'type', 'wa', 'wabadges', 'wcensus')
>>> nationstates.get_shard
{'get_customreligion', 'get_rcensus', 'get_banners', 'get_govtpriority', 'get_banner', 'get_census', 'get_gavote', 'get_wcensus', 'get_firstlogin', 'get_notable', 'get_admirable', 'get_foundedtime', 'get_category', 'get_customleader', 'get_flag', 'get_currency', 'get_endorsements', 'get_lastlogin', 'get_region', 'get_religion', 'get_capital', 'get_name', 'get_type', 'get_happenings', 'get_crime', 'get_govtdesc', 'get_majorindustry', 'get_influence', 'get_customcapital', 'get_tax', 'get_tgcanrecruit', 'get_demonym2', 'get_legislation', 'get_poorest', 'get_wa', 'get_sectors', 'get_deaths', 'get_dbid', 'get_policies', 'get_scvote', 'get_lastactivity', 'get_demonym', 'get_freedom', 'get_animal', 'get_factbooklist', 'get_industrydesc', 'get_income', 'get_population', 'get_founded', 'get_richest', 'get_demonym2plural', 'get_gdp', 'get_dispatches', 'get_publicsector', 'get_fullname', 'get_motto', 'get_tgcancampaign', 'get_govt', 'get_sensibilities', 'get_dispatchlist', 'get_wabadges', 'get_factbooks', 'get_animaltrait', 'get_leader'}

Is pynationstates thread safe?

pynationstates does have locks in place that should make it safe to use across threads. However, the author recommends you have independent nationstates.Nationstates instances for earch thread. This guarntees everything will work.